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Hello and welcome to COVID Communiqué 25. For the most part it’s been a quiet week this week, although the winding down of autumn prompted some new questions to That in turn prompted us to review and update the Question and Answer page—we pruned some, left those that we thought still relevant, and added new ones—including an idea for keeping people at church safe now that it’s too chilly to keep the doors and windows open. Check out the Question and Answer page here

However, we want to address one important question here. We’ve had several people ask if they can hold choir rehearsals during Amber. The answer is no. Singing is a high-risk activity and is not permitted in Amber other than by a cantor, soloist or (with permission from our diocese) a small ensemble with all safety practices followed. That’s true even if the choir is “just rehearsing”, wearing masks, physically-distancing, and there is no risk to a congregation. There is still too much risk for those present. 

On another note, have you printed your new version (Version 2) of In This Together, the even more important recycled Version 1? We want to be sure you’ve got the latest version of our diocesan guidelines close at hand. 

No other thoughts for you today, but as always, is the email for any questions or special concerns you have. 

COVID Communiqué is produced by our senior staff: 
Shane Parker, Bishop
Beth Bretzlaff, Dean
Linda Hill, Executive Archdeacon
Sanjay Grover, Director of Financial Ministry
Peter John Hobbs, Director of Community Ministries
Jane Scanlon, Director of Stewardship Development
Carol Sinclair, Director of Human Resources