Connecting with the city and beyond is our chance to share our resources of faith and willingness to serve with others — whether by organizing an interfaith service or providing food for some of Ottawa’s neediest citizens.
Provides advice, advocates, and implements local and national educational programming about Canada’s First Peoples.
The ACF seeks to foster Anglican presence by providing abundant resources for innovative ministry and diverse infrastructure projects and theological formation throughout the Canadian church.
Centre 454 is a day program located at 454 King Edward Ave (St Albans Church) serving people who are precariously housed or homeless. Each year, the Men’s Group co-ordinates distribution and collection of gift bags for Centre 454’s Christmas Party. The Cathedral community is pleased to host the Centre 454 Christmas party in the Great Hall.
Cornerstone provides emergency shelter and safe affordable permanent housing for homeless women in Ottawa. Cathedral has provided $50,000 in funding for equipment of community kitchen in new Princeton Avenue facility
Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa is a member of the Canadian Companions of the Diocese of Jerusalem, a national voluntary body of members of the Anglican Church of Canada that supports the Anglican diocese covering five countries in the Middle East.
PWRDF connects Anglicans in Canada to communities around the world in dynamic partner-ships to advance sustainable development, to respond to emergencies, to assist refugees, and to act for positive change.
SLT is a Day Program, located at St Luke’s Church, that provides community services, such as: meal programs for those in need; social services; recreational services; counselling services. The Cathedral community provides food, financial support and volunteers to St. Luke's Table. SLT provides direct service to approximately 750 people a month with essential grocery items.
A supportive and inclusive community where women gather to connect and build on their strengths. The Well/La Source delivers programs that support women in meeting their basic needs, making their life choices and participating in their community.