Prepare the sanctuary for all liturgies of the Cathedral
Arrange and maintain the sanctuary, Eucharistic vessels, all textiles (vestments, linens, hangings) and floral arrangements

The Altar Guild is a group of 36 volunteers who work in eight teams each headed up by a convenor who trains new volunteers, maintains a duty roster and leads the team in its duties. 
The teams are: Vacuum/Dusting/Brass, Large Fair Linens, Small Fair Linens, Hangings and Vestments, Sunday Vessels 10:30, Sunday Vessels 8:30, Weekday Sacristans, and Flowers.

These teams complete their tasks weekly to keep the Chancel and Chapel ‘company ready’ for the regular Sunday services and special services and events that happen in the Cathedral.

The Altar Guild is supported by donations given for memorial and wedding floral arrangements, and also the annual membership fees paid by the guild members. These funds are used to buy flowers and replenish supplies of large and small fair linens that are worn out by regular use, purchase cleaning supplies and purchase new vestments or furnishings for the Sanctuary.